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Still in recovery mode after a series of problems over the last several years, Toyota Motor Corp. announced it is recalling over 200,000 FJ Cruiser sport-utility vehicles from model years 2007 through 2013 because of a possible flaw in the installation of the seatbelts. The retractors for the vehicles’ front driver and passenger seat belts are mounted in rear-door panels. If the rear doors are repeatedly slammed, a metal piece inside the door which the seatbelt retractor is mounted can crack. If this happens, the seat belt retractor could detach, increasing the risk of injury in an auto accident.

Toyota told the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that it is developing a remedy for the problem and will begin the recall as soon as it determines necessary repairs. Owners may contact Toyota at 800-331-4331.

Fortunately, the recall was not the result of any serious injuries or death, but why is Toyota waiting until it determines a “fix” before beginning the recall? What if there are serious injuries or deaths because of a delay?

Recalls before injuries occur are important pro-safety measures. Timely and appropriate recalls save lives and automakers should issue them promptly and responsibly. But, they bigger question are…

  • Why are vehicles constantly being recalled for dangerous defects when there is supposedly more stringent testing?
  • Why are vehicles still coming off assembly lines with serious problems and worse, being sold to consumers?
  • When will manufacturers take a more aggressive approach to safety and correcting problems?

Make sure that your car is as safe as possible by checking for recalls before purchasing and while owning your vehicle. Do not assume that if you are not having problems, that you don’t need to act on the recall and have the problem fixed. Knowing that your vehicle has been recalled is a vital piece of information to any driver, but how does a person stay up-to-date on auto recalls? Two valuable sources are or

Mark Bello has thirty-six years experience as a trial lawyer and fourteen years as an underwriter and situational analyst in the lawsuit funding industry. He is the owner and founder of Lawsuit Financial Corporation which helps provide cash flow solutions and consulting when necessities of life litigation funding is needed by a plaintiff involved in pending, personal injury, litigation. Bello is a Justice Pac member of the American Association for Justice, Sustaining and Justice Pac member of the Michigan Association for Justice, Member of Public Justice, Public Citizen, the American Bar Association, the State Bar of Michigan and the Injury Board.

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