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While most of our laws are obvious and reasonable, some laws seem…a little strange, even humorous as I wrote last Friday, in Dumb Legislation: You Can’t Bathe Your Donkey but You Can Buy a Gun. Click here if you missed it (you won’t believe these laws). Here are a few more states with unusual laws, yet they fail to enact strict gun control laws to keep its citizens safe.

In Alaska:

Strange Law: It is illegal to whisper in someone’s ear while they are moose hunting. Why, because the moose might overhear and bolt?

Gun Law: A permit is not required for the purchase of a handgun, rifle, or shotgun; a person does not need to register the gun or be a licensed owner.

In Connecticut:

Strange Law: It’s illegal to make pickles that can’t bounce. In fact, once upon a time, a pickle company was sued because its pickles could not bounce, which made them ‘bad’.

Gun Law: A permit is required to purchase a handgun, rifle, or shotgun. You must register the rifle, shotgun or an assault weapon, but do not need to register a handgun. You also need to be a licensed gun owner to own any gun in the state – handguns, rifles, shotguns, and assault rifles. The only case where a permit is required is to carry a handgun.

In Michigan:

Strange Law: A person can’t kill a dog using a decompression chamber. Really? Is this a thing? Who has access to a decompression chamber anyway? Michigan also bans alligators from being tied to fire hydrants; this may make some sense in Louisiana or Florida (not really), but how many alligators are there in Michigan?

Gun Law:

You do not need a permit to purchase or carry a rifle and shotgun carry, nor do you need to register the gun. For a handgun, you need a permit to carry the gun and the gun must be registered, but you don’t need to be a licensed gun owner.


Mark M. Bello is an attorney, certified civil mediator, and award-winning author of the Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series. He is also the CEO of Lawsuit Financial and the country’s leading expert in providing non-recourse lawsuit funding to plaintiffs involved in pending litigation, a member of the State Bar of Michigan, a sustaining member of the Michigan Association for Justice, and a member of the American Association for Justice.

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