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Justice: the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishment (Merriam Webster)

The Justice Counts podcast isn’t only about the law; it focuses on challenging issues that matter to the people – what’s fair, right, and just.

Justice Counts was proud to feature Legal Examiner and Injury Board Member Mike Bryant as Mark Bello’s first guest on the new podcast. In the episode, Bryant reveals the extent to which the Catholic Church has minimized the sexual abuse scandal involving its clergy, how it moves priests from parish to parish to protect them, and uses bankruptcy to avoid or minimize payments to victims. Mike also compares the plot of Mark’s novel, Betrayal of Faith, to real-life cases in which he’s represented clients against the church.

Take a listen.

The Justice Counts podcast will stream bi-weekly—you can listen on Spreaker. It is co-hosted by Not Fake News editor and publisher Bob Gatty and will feature special guests to discuss the important legal, cultural, social justice, safety, and political issues of our time. Guests will include lawyers, activists, journalists, authors, police officers, even ‘everyday people’ with concerns about justice.

Upcoming Justice Counts Interviews (please visit for details)

  • Kevin Hoffman, author of “Growing Up Black in White” talks about racial justice.
  • Jesus “Eddie” Campa, author and former police chief, and a Texas leadership consultant discusses racial justice in law enforcement.
  • Immigration Attorney Tahmina Watson discussion immigration and the crisis at the border
  • Trial consultant Shari Belitz will be discussing Psychology 101 for lawyers and juries.
  • Attorneys David Mittleman and Mick Grewal (IB members) discuss sexual abuse cases, specifically the Larry Nassar and Robert Anderson cases.

If you have a compelling legal / justice issue and would like to be a featured guest on Justice Counts, please contact Mark Bello at

#betrayaloffaith, #catholicchurchsexabusescandal, #markbello, #michaelbryant, #priestsexabuse

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