For the fourth time this month, a device has exploded in a residential community of Austin, Texas. The first three detonations were from packages left on the front porch of homeowners. In those explosions, a total of two people were killed and two others injured.…
As most of my readers know, on March 24 students and community members of the March For Our Lives movement will take to the streets in cities around the country to demand that their lives and safety become a priority. Conceived as a response to…
Alejandro came to the U.S. from Mexico as a baby with his parents. He grew up as a lawful permanent resident. As an adult, Alejandro worked as a dental assistant to support his family. He was convicted of drug possession in 2004 and imprisoned for…
While most of our laws are obvious and reasonable, some laws seem…a little strange, even humorous as I wrote last Friday, in Dumb Legislation: You Can’t Bathe Your Donkey but You Can Buy a Gun. Click here if you missed it (you won’t believe these laws). Here are a…
Throughout history, legislators, nationwide, have passed laws to keep citizens safe. Some of those laws are sensible, appropriate and well-intentioned. Some are, shall we say, ‘unusual’ or, to be kind, outdated. Considering how difficult it has become for Congress or state legislatures to pass sensible…
The death toll at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School stands at 17, all victims of a single gunman, who by all accounts is a deeply troubled young man. Despite multiple warnings to law enforcement officials, this young man slipped through the cracks in our…
For some time, Pope Francis has faced much criticism for not prioritizing the prevention of the sexual abuse of children. Now, he, himself, is at the center of cover-ups. In regards to supporting the victims of clerical sexual abuse, it “is a situation which the…
Last week, on his visit to Chile, Pope Francis accused sex abuse victims of slandering a bishop that they claim had protected a pedophile priest. In 2015, the Pope appointed Juan Barros as bishop of Osorno, Chile despite allegations that Barros protected Fr. Fernando Karadima,…
Larry Nassar, the doctor accused of abusing more than 100 women and girls, was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison. More than 80 victims testified against Nassar, describing the impact of being assaulted by him. Nassar admitted molesting athletes during treatment when he…
Today we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., America’s champion of racial justice and equality. This man endured harassment, threats, beatings, even bombings, but it never stopped is fight for justice and equality. Dr. King not only “had a dream”…